
Principal: Mr. Norio Miyago
Vice-Principal: Mrs. Meiko Sato
Office Manager: Mrs. Elaine Onodera
Office Coordinator: Mrs. Etsuko Mitarai
Instructors: Mrs. Machiko Miyaguchi Armitage
  Mrs. Reiko Ciotola
  Mrs. Chiaki Vanasupa
  Mrs. Naomi Yokemura
  Mrs. Yumika Kojima Partridge
  Dr. Reiko Kataoka
  Mrs. Chizu Suzuki
  Mrs. Hisayo Uramoto
  Mrs. Minako Maki
  Mrs. Kyoko Mase Kerr
  Mrs. Mayumi Margaritis

Board of Directors

Chairperson: Mrs. Yuko Suruki
1st Vice-Chairperson: Mrs. Kyoko Mase Kerr
2nd Vice-Chairperson: Ms. Ellen Lee
Secretary: Mrs. Eriko Gardiner
Treasurer: Mr. James Kano
Auditor: Mrs. Dina Iwamura-Sakai
Director: Mr. Kelly Kishore
Director: Mrs. Julie Maemura-Tan
Honorary Director: Mr. Kozo Kimura
Honorary Director: Mr. Stephen Katayama

Family Info & Forms


When to stay home

A student should not be in school when he/she has:
  • Nausea or vomiting, or has vomited during the night
  • Diarrhea
  • Frequent coughing or sneezing
  • Evidence of a communicable disease such as a rash, fever or unusual sores
  • A temperature of 99.5 degrees or above. If a child has had a fever, he/she may not return to school until she/he has been fever-free for 24 hours (without taking fever-reducing medication)
  • Sore throat
  • Strep throat – must be on an antibiotic for 24 hours and be symptom-free
  • A new cold or generally feels bad
  • Unusual watery, burning or red, crusted eyes

Nondiscriminatory Policy

San Mateo Nippon Gakuyen admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin.