学園の行事予定 SMNG Events for 2024-25
始業式 First Day of School |
9/7/24 |
ピクニック・運動会 Picnic/Undoukai (Sunday; 11am-3pm) @ Hillsdale High School |
10/20/24 |
ベークセール・古本市 Bake Sale & Used Book Fair |
11/2/24 |
文化クラス Culture Classes |
11/9/24 |
感謝祭 Thanksgiving Day Holiday |
11/30/24 |
中間テスト Midterm Test |
12/7/24 |
冬休み Winter Break |
12/21/24, 12/28/24 |
新年行事・書初め New Year Event - Kakizome |
1/4/25 |
新入生出願受付開始 2025-26 New Student Application Period begins |
1/15/25 |
休園 Presidents’ Day Holiday |
2/15/25 |
雛祭り Hinamatsuri (Japanese Doll Festival/Girls' Day) |
3/1/25 |
学習発表会 Stage Presentation |
3/22/25 |
春休み Spring Break |
4/5/25 |
新入生/在校生登録開始 2025-26 Registration begins (last day w/o late fee: 5/30/25) |
4/15/25 |
おにぎりセール・古本市 Onigiri Sale & Used Book Fair |
4/19/25 |
子供の日 Children’s Day |
5/3/25 |
学力テスト Achievement Test |
5/10/25 |
休園 Memorial Day Holiday |
5/24/25 |
修了式・卒業式 Graduation & Completion Ceremony |
5/31/25 |
サマーキャンプ *Summer Camp (9am - 2pm) |
6/7/25 |
七夕夏祭り *Tanabata Summer Festival (9am-noon) |
7/12/25 |
* サマーキャンプと七夕夏祭りは、席に限りがあるため、在園生と次年度登録済の新入生のみが参加できます。
* Due to limited space, Summer Camp and Tanabata Summer Festival are open only to current students and new students who have registered for the upcoming school year.
Upcoming Events
- Saturday, April 5
- Tuesday, April 15
- Saturday, April 19
- Saturday, May 3
- Saturday, May 10
- Saturday, May 17
- Saturday, May 24
- Friday, May 30
When to stay home
- Nausea or vomiting, or has vomited during the night
- Diarrhea
- Frequent coughing or sneezing
- Evidence of a communicable disease such as a rash, fever or unusual sores
- A temperature of 99.5 degrees or above. If a child has had a fever, he/she may not return to school until she/he has been fever-free for 24 hours (without taking fever-reducing medication)
- Sore throat
- Strep throat – must be on an antibiotic for 24 hours and be symptom-free
- A new cold or generally feels bad
- Unusual watery, burning or red, crusted eyes
Nondiscriminatory Policy
San Mateo Nippon Gakuyen admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin.